This Is My Story

Music has been an important part of my life since early childhood. Never having taken any formal music lessons, much of what I have learned over the years was from my own curiosity and eagerness to learn to play an instrument. 

Fast forward to today. After playing the guitar for many years, I discovered the ukulele. Actually, I re-discovered the ukulele. I picked it up as a young boy for a short awhile only to become facinated with the sound many years later.

The ukulele opened the door of music I only dreamed about in my earlier years.

The ukulele was the reason I finally decided to learn theory and how to read music. Since I didn't have the patience to take lessons, I learned on my own, relying on YouTube, and many of my musician friends.

I finally, decided to teach other adults how to play the ukulele in adult programs. I formed a group of ukulele enthusiasts and went out and played for folks in nursing homes and senior living residences.

Through the years, I was always curious as to how I could generate an extra income on the the internet. I tried everything. Nothing seemed to work. Besides my family, my two goals were to continue playing the ukulele and to figure out how to create a home-based business on the internet. 

I was pleased with my continued ukulele playing, but very frustrated with my desire to create an online income. Until recently, while going through my "trash" folder before deleting it, there was a link that caught my attention. I don't usually open any of my emails that make it into my trash. But, for some reason, this one caught my attention enough for me to open.

The email was promoting a video by Michael Cheney, creator of "The 7 Figure Affiliate System."  Yup, you're right. I opened it. I watched the free video and nothing has been the same since. I finally found what I had been looking for all these years. Now, both my long time goals, learning more about music playing the ukulele, as well as creating a profitable online business have finally become a reality.

I hope my site is helpful and enjoyable to you as you further develop your skills playing the ukulele. I also hope that if creating an online income is something that interests you, you check out Michael Cheney's, "The 7 Figure Affiliate System." I'm confident you will find it as beneficial for you as it has been for me.


I wish you much success,

John Radice