This Is My Story

Music has been an important part of my life since early childhood. Over the years, I developed a passion to learn more about the ukulele and teach others who share my love for this melodic instrument. I especially enjoy performing with others for residents in nursing homes. 

However, that is not my only passion. I have always wanted to figure a way to earn a passive income online independent of my drive to show others how to play the ukulele for FREE. As you can see from my FREE tutorials, I finally found a way. But, what about my other passion, ie. earning an income online? 

Well, here is the rest of the story. I met a guy, every body knows a guy, right? His name is Michael Cheney, who has since become a friend of mine. After several exchanges, I discovered that he was doing exactly what I have  been struggling for years to achieve.

Yup, you guessed it, CREATE AN ONLINE INCOME. Michael told me that developing an online income is not really that difficult if you follow a step by step plan he put together. In fact, Michael recorded a series of five FREE videos explaining his step by step plan to developing an online income.

I asked him if he  would be willing to share that plan with me. He said, "Absolutely, if you are serious." What do you think my answer was to Michael? " OF COURSE, I'M SERIOUS" I shouted. The plan's name is

The 'Anti-9-5' Income Plan:

How I Quit My Job And "Retired" Decades Early! 

If Michael's plan to earn an online passive income is something that interests you, GO HERE to request Michael's FREE 5 Video Series. I am confident you will find them life changing. I know I have.

Remember to keep on strumming while you keep on earning,

John Radice

PS. By the way, don't use the excuse that you are too old to learn the ukulele or make a money online. I'm in my 80s and I do both.

 GO HERE if you would like to know more about Michael Cheney's "Anti-9-5" Income Plan.